Windows 10 Professional 1703 Upgrade

Context -
I think this was our first official Windows 10 upgrade process.

posted Feb 7, 2018, 4:14 PM 

This article will focus on the upgrade of existing Windows 10 Professional installations 1511 to 1703 (More on versions can be found here  -  So how do you tell the version of Windows 10 you have?  Look no further than the Winver command (from CMD or PS).

About Windows 2018-02-08 14.28.50.png

Or if your feeling a bit scripty...(yes I just made that up)....

(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" | select CurrentBuild,ProductName,ReleaseID | FT)

Windows PowerShell 2018-02-08 14.42.42.png

The days of Wipe and Load should be a fuzzy blip in the rear view.  In Place Upgrade is what we are shooting for so u can breathe a big sigh of relief.  This approach retains our SettingsFiles and Apps and saves a significant amount of time.  Its wise to get a Backup no matter what the case and that's just common sense....I hope. 


  • Windows 10 Professional 64 Bit

  • Version less than 1703

  • 10GB of disk space

  • A current backup

  • 1-2 hours

  • A few reboots

  • Close all applications and inform the user to not expect to be working alongside this upgrade path

  • Patience


  • Navigate to the Application Catalog  and select Administrative.  From here u will see the W10-1703 upgrade.  Select Install to kick the process off.  This will have to download around 4GB.

W10-1511-UPGRD - Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.7 2018-02-07 15.41.04.png
W10-1511-UPGRD - Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.7 2018-02-07 15.47.12.png
  • Next your system will go through a Compatibility check.....

W10-1511-UPGRD - Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.7 2018-02-07 15.56.35.png
  • And then the Install begins.....

W10-1511-UPGRD - Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.7 2018-02-07 15.58.07.png
  • The first of a few Restarts.....

W10-1511-UPGRD - Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.7 2018-02-07 16.07.32.png
  • After the first Restart u will see the following:

W10-1511-Upgrade on 2018-02-07 16.11.54.png
  • And another.....

W10-1511-Upgrade on 2018-02-07 16.30.22.png
  • And that concludes the Upgrade Process.  Log in and make sure everything is as it should be. See u next time! 




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