Windows 10 Professional 1703 Upgrade
“Context -
I think this was our first official Windows 10 upgrade process.”
posted Feb 7, 2018, 4:14 PM
This article will focus on the upgrade of existing Windows 10 Professional installations 1511 to 1703 (More on versions can be found here - So how do you tell the version of Windows 10 you have? Look no further than the Winver command (from CMD or PS).
Or if your feeling a bit scripty...(yes I just made that up)....
(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" | select CurrentBuild,ProductName,ReleaseID | FT)
The days of Wipe and Load should be a fuzzy blip in the rear view. In Place Upgrade is what we are shooting for so u can breathe a big sigh of relief. This approach retains our Settings, Files and Apps and saves a significant amount of time. Its wise to get a Backup no matter what the case and that's just common sense....I hope.
Windows 10 Professional 64 Bit
Version less than 1703
10GB of disk space
A current backup
1-2 hours
A few reboots
Close all applications and inform the user to not expect to be working alongside this upgrade path
Navigate to the Application Catalog and select Administrative. From here u will see the W10-1703 upgrade. Select Install to kick the process off. This will have to download around 4GB.
Next your system will go through a Compatibility check.....
And then the Install begins.....
The first of a few Restarts.....
After the first Restart u will see the following:
And another.....
And that concludes the Upgrade Process. Log in and make sure everything is as it should be. See u next time!
Q - Why are we not we upgrading the Enterprise version of Windows 10?
The Enterprise version is locked in for 10 years with no Feature updates. Its called LTSB (Long Term Servicing Branch). It will get other updates but not Feature which increments the actual version. The Professional version of Windows 10 however will expire and is required to update ever so often. Failure to do so prevents all updates from being applied. Remember the Enterprise version is to be used for Non-English installations. Confusing I know.... !!
Q - I noticed Software Center is missing from my Start Menu after the upgrade. Why why why?
Software Center maybe temporarily unavailable after the first login but should appear shortly thereafter with a New prefix. Apparently it gets re-installed.
Q - Is there a reference for upgrade issues / fixes?
Q - Where are the Setup Logs in the event I encounter an error?
Windows Setup Event Logs -