Deciphering Bitlocker Status
A great reference to assist understanding each particular encryption attributes meaning.

Offline Inventory
Useful for offline / air gapped / stand alone…whatever your preference is.

Terminated Employee Cleanup
A tool developed to accommodate our policy to automatically remove saved data from a previously terminated employee.

Provisioning a Static IP
I need to script this and make it a push button / prompt for IP information / experience.

Firefox Madness
A convenient end user experience that did quite a bit behind the scenes to simplify the overall experience.

Scripted Directory / Share / Permissions Build
Useful script to assist a large directory build / share / assign permissions across many servers.

Windows 10 Professional 1803 Upgrade
Another Windows 10 upgrade workflow for those companies who choose Professional and are bound to the 18 month lifespan.

A nice tutorial on some options for deploying updates manually by giving the power to the application owner.

Vulnerability Scan Remediation’s
I put this together to assist our local Field IT when deploying these remediation’s.