Scripted Directory / Share / Permissions Build

Context -
This was built to assist with preparing for the Ivanti source (consisting of packages / patches / patches / images) on each of our 70 global servers.

posted Jun 15, 2018, 9:43 AM 

Here recently I determined that I would have to build directories, shares and set permissions on up to 70 different servers.  This screamed script.  I wanted to share what I have created and with a little modification u can tailor it to suit your needs.  Script is tuned for Server 2008 / 2012.  Below is a description:

Right click on the Powershell Script (Bottom of page / Requires Modification) and select:

HSV1SECIVAW01 - Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.7 2018-06-15 09.03.59.png

Prompt for Credentials (Useful for cross domain)

HSV1SECIVAW01 - Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.7 2018-06-15 09.00.26.png

Input your Server Name (Can be modified to do a list from a TXT file)

HSV1SECIVAW01 - Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.7 2018-06-15 09.05.03.png

Input the Drive Letter (In this example the folder structure is built on the root of the drive and can be modified to be nested)

HSV1SECIVAW01 - Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.7 2018-06-15 09.05.54.png

Input the User Account u want to assign Permissions (Permissions can be adjusted based on Icacls Parameters -  In this example I am assigning modify.

HSV1SECIVAW01 - Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.7 2018-06-15 09.10.09.png

End Result (May flash by quickly upon completion)

HSV1SECIVAW01 - Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.7 2018-06-15 09.17.37.png

So there are several additions I can do to this to make it more universally applicable such as prompting for the Directory StructureShare nameOS, and even Permissions....also I can build in some error control / validation... but I will save that for 2.0 or leave it up to you.  This will get u started if u find yourself in need.  Script is below however u need to remember to Test Test Test in order to be 100% certain of the outcome.


#Cedentials,Computer Prompt,Drive Letter

$Credential = $Host.ui.PromptForCredential("Credentials to Access Server", "Please enter your USERNAME and PASSWORD for the DOMAIN of the SERVER you would like to connect to.", "", "NetBiosUserName")$CompName=Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the name of the server"


Invoke-Command -ComputerName $CompName -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock{$DrvLtr=Read-Host -prompt "Enter the drive letter with colon (i.e. E:) of the server that will be used for storing content"$ServiceAcct=Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the name of the service account to use <Domain>_Iva_Content"$OS=gwmi win32_operatingsystem | select captionIf ($OS -like "*windows server 2008*") 



New-Item $DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Drivers –type directory -Forcenet share "Drivers$=$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Drivers" "/grant:everyone,FULL"icacls.exe "$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Drivers" /grant "${ServiceAcct}:(OI)(CI)M" /T


New-Item $DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Images –type directorynet share "Images$=$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Images" "/grant:everyone,FULL"icacls.exe "$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Images" /grant "${ServiceAcct}:(OI)(CI)M" /T


New-Item $DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Packages –type directorynet share "Packages$=$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Packages" "/grant:everyone,FULL"icacls.exe "$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Packages" /grant "${ServiceAcct}:(OI)(CI)M" /T


New-Item $DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Patches –type directorynet share "Patch=$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Patches" "/grant:everyone,FULL"icacls.exe "$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Patches" /grant "${ServiceAcct}:(OI)(CI)M" /T}

If ($OS -like "*windows server 2012*"){


New-Item $DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Drivers –type directory -ForceNew-SMBShare –Name “Drivers$” –Path “$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Drivers” -FullAccess everyone icacls.exe "$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Drivers" /grant "${ServiceAcct}:(OI)(CI)M" /T


New-Item $DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Images –type directoryNew-SMBShare –Name “Images$” –Path “$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Images” -FullAccess everyone icacls.exe "$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Images" /grant "${ServiceAcct}:(OI)(CI)M" /T


New-Item $DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Packages –type directoryNew-SMBShare –Name “Packages$” –Path “$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Packages” -FullAccess everyone icacls.exe "$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Packages" /grant "${ServiceAcct}:(OI)(CI)M" /T


New-Item $DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Patches –type directoryNew-SMBShare –Name “Patch” –Path “$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Patches” -FullAccess everyone icacls.exe "$DrvLtr\Ivanti\Source\Patches" /grant "${ServiceAcct}:(OI)(CI)M" /T}}





Windows 7-Windows 10 Upgrade