Terminated Employee Cleanup
Terminated Employee Cleanup
posted Apr 24, 2019, 4:53 PM
“Context -
The purpose of this task was to automate the removal of saved terminated employee data after 90 days. This data was housed on a NAS device. Data was uploaded using a USMT script capturing user state and profile related information. An interesting element of the PowerShell script was the addition of a custom module used to overcome the infamous 260-character path length limit.”
1. Navigate to \\<UNCPath>\tools$\Scripting\TEC. Copy the directory structure to the target server under C:\Program Files\Scripts\TEC.
2. From within C:\Program Files\Scripts\TEC, copy the NTFSSecurity directory to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules.
3. Create an AD account called tenas. Edit the TEC folder to give the tenas account modify privileges.
4. Add the tenas account to the Power Users group of the Server.
5. Type secpol.msc from the run bar. Navigate to the following:
6. Add the tenas account as shown below.
7. Make sure the Powershell ISE is an added feature on the Server
8. Type “power” in the search bar.
9. Select PowerShell ISE and Run as Administrator.
10. From the console type get-executionpolicy. Make sure its set to unrestricted.
11. If not then type the following:
12. From the console type get-host and verify the version of PowerShell is 3 or above.
13. If this is version 2 navigate to \\UNCPath\tools$\Scripting\Powershell 3 and install from one of the following based on architecture.
14. From within the Powershell ISE, open the following file: C:\Program Files\Scripts\TEC\PS\TermEmpCleanupV2.ps1
15. Scroll down to line 37 and change the path to reflect the site NAS server.
Do the same for line 54.
16. SAVE
17. Open up Computer Mgmt. and select Task Scheduler. Choose Import Task
18. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Scripts\TEC\TS and select the following:
19. Click OK and input the password.
20. This completes the TEC Deployment Process.